Sunburn Information and Relief

Sunburn Information and Relief

Over-exposure to the harsh sun has been shown to cause long-term damage to the skin.  Sunburn is one of the warning signs and should be attended to promptly to minimize pain, discomfort and possible scarring. Prevention is better than cure, so it's important to arm yourself with information about the causes and risks, as well as the treatment of sunburn for immediate relief of sunburn.

What is sunburn?

Sunburn is defined by Wikipedia as "a form of radiation burn that affects living tissue, such as skin, that results from an overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, commonly from the sun."
To put it simply, the sun's radiation burns and damages your skin if you spend too much time exposed to these harmful rays.

What causes sunburn?

Sunburn is caused by an excess of UV radiation as a result of over-exposure to sunlight, in other words, exposing your skin to the sun for too long.

sunburn relief too much exposure

How to prevent sunburn?

  • Keep out of the sun during the hottest times of the day (usually 11h00 - 15h00)
  • Limit the amount of exposure to the sun, especially in children and people with fair and sensitive skin
  • Always wear a hat and protective clothing when exposed to the sun, particularly when participating in any outdoor sport activities
  • Use a sunscreen on your body and face that contains a with high SPF (sun protection factor) and reapply often after swimming, sweating or towel-drying

What are the symptoms of sunburn?

The symptoms of sunburn demonstrate red or bright, pink skin that is painful, inflamed and hot to the touch. Sunburned skin may blister, peel or even become 2nd degree burns. 

sunburn relief

Dangers of over exposure to UV Radiation from the Sun

  • An excess of UV radiation can be life-threatening in extreme cases. Primarily non-malignant skin tumours can develop from sunburn, which may, in rare cases, eventually become malignant.
  • Solar keratosis or sun damage, where the skin becomes hard white and produces crusts and hard flaky lesions are another risk of sunburn. Solar keratoses are pre-cancerous (pre-malignant), which means they have a potential to turn into skin cancers called squamous cell carcinomas. Squamous cell carcinomas can be fatal in some cases. The exact risk of a solar keratosis turning into a skin cancer is not known.
  • Direct DNA damage triggers sunburn and increases the melanin production. When the skin cells' DNA is overly damaged by UV radiation, type I cell-death is triggered and the skin is replaced.

How to treat sunburn

  1. As soon as you feel or notice your sunburn, get out of the sun immediately
  2. Take a cool (not cold) shower
  3. Cool the skin by applying a liberal amount of Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream every 2 hours to the affected areas
  4. Increase hydration by drinking 6 glasses of water. It’s important to rehydrate by drinking extra liquids, including water and sports drinks that help to replenish electrolytes
  5. Apply cold compresses if you don’t have Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream
  6. Wear loose, soft, breathable clothing to avoid further skin irritation
  7. Avoid any exposure to the sun of the affected areas until 100% healed

How to treat sun damage and solar keratosis caused by sunburn?

  1. Apply Sister Jenny JEN-TIL HEALING Multi-purpose Cream 2 to 3 times a day, and massage deep into skin in one direction, towards the heart only. Sister Jenny JEN-TIL HEALING Multi-purpose Cream is safe to use on any affected area but please avoid getting the cream in your eyes
  2. Then apply sunscreen and always keep affected areas covered
  3. Drink lots of purified or boiled and then cooled water
  4. Consult with your doctor regarding any lesions where cancer may be a possibility
Sunburn can not only be very painful and uncomfortable, it can also cause very serious and permanent damage. Please take care of your skin! 

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